In the context of the GAGGA alliance, we opened a third call for applications for Strategic Grants, for El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Paraguay, which was open to receive proposals until July 25th, 2018.
We thank those who submitted the 85 proposals received from diverse women's organizations; we will present the final results at the end of September 2018 via a direct email to the organizations.
The Strategic Grants look to respond to the permanent challenges faced by women defenders to achieve greater transformations in our region. In 2018 we received proposals on innovative methods to address the following strategies: advocacy, protection, and communications.
This type of grant was created in 2016, in the context of the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action - GAGGA alliance, to promote innovative proposals from women's organizations and groups who question the extractive model and promote the protection of territories, common goods, and women's rights.
We want to thank all of the organizations who, over the last few years, have presented transformative proposals in favor of women defenders of territories and common goods. We wish them luck and send them feminist strength and love for their activities!
If you have any questions about the process and calls for applications, please contact the Women and Territories Program HERE